Ciao Adios, my feet are done. They are not going to co-operate today and I know it. But what do you do when there’s still so much to see? You plough on. Double hard, stiff upper lip, head for...
A kiss from a Russian rose

Day 3 Rain. Rain in the night. It’s as if there’s been a decree that the hot weather should desist and allow the rain in. The skyline looks very different now and the large downpipes that undoubtedly relieve the...
A Million Voices

A Million Voices 3 years ago in May 2015, Polina Gagarina almost won the Eurovision Song Contest for Russia with her song – A Million Voices I loved the song and her singing as it was pure Eurovision. Catchy...
White Nights in Russia

Dust off the cobwebs – TOT is back So, this journey could have been a reconnaissance mission for those travelling to the World Cup this summer? Or, it could have been a Cold War 007 spy mission. Trouble with...
Whisky without an e

Traditions I can trace against the drown in your face! Name that tune? What is happening to our traditions? History and learning passed on through the centuries and coupled with modern practices can often produce something special. The Deenston...